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My yearly ode to you. <3

My father, aunts and uncle singing songs from way back… at a family gathering in Harwich Port, MA.

So I play with this awesome little band…. 🙂

My Yearly ode…. 🙂


Judy Martin
Photo ©Fran Fitzgerald


Judy Martin was indeed a dear friend.  Though our paths crossed with varying degrees of frequency, there was always love between us, and as is often the case with people who are close to you, we always picked up right where we left off.

We never ended a call without saying “I love you” – even if we had spoken three times that day.

In 2006, we collaborated on her Practical Chaos album, and were looking forward to making a follow-up to it this year. We worked together on her Work-Life Nation brand and site, and most recently, she asked for a custom version of “Something to Believe” for use in a video she was making about stress and breathing.  I was only too happy to provide it, because I so deeply believed in what Judy was doing.

Judy left us this past week, way too young.

She was walking love and light and breath…. and there’s now a big hole in the world where she stood.

My deepest condolences go out to her friends and family.  She will be very sorely missed.