Latest MM news

Come get KICKED this weekend!
Gonna be joining my friends from Mister Kick for a freewheeling night of music at Keegan Ales on Saturday, July 22nd at 9pm.
To make it even sweeter, we'll be joined by my longtime friend and guitar genius Dave Fields for the night. …

A custom line of MM strings. Too Cool.
So those of you who have been following the Born Wired Indiegogo campaign know that the fine folks from MJC Ironworks have kindly offered custom sets of strings for the campaign.
And just today, the first prototype for the tin that will contain…

Born Wired reviewed at IndieBandGuru
The folks at IndieBandGuru just posted a really lovely review of Born Wired:
"Imagine it’s the first day out of school and you need that one song to set you over the edge. Well, Mark Marshall made plenty of em. The album is jam-packed with…

Born Wired featured and trending at Indiegogo
Wow... just... well, wow.
The Born Wired crowdfunding campaign is trending at Indiegogo, and is featured in their Arts & Film collection.
And we've just met 30% of the funding.
So very grateful.

MM returns to the Artist First Radio Network
In June 2007, Mark joined host Scott "Zman" Z. for a free-wheeling 80-minute interview about life, music and the release of "New Eye", on the Artist First Radio Network.
Ten years to the month later, Mark rejoined Scott to talk…

The Born Wired album is DONE.
After about five years, and countless hours, the Born Wired album is finally FINISHED.
13 tracks - 10 originals and 3 covers... it's some of the best stuff I've ever done.
Within the next 3 weeks, you'll see an Indiegogo campaign to get…

A tip for Bandcamp artists… making download cards.
An absolutely foolproof method for making download cards with Bandcamp and just plain Avery labels.
I use Bandcamp to get my music out there. It's an awesome tool for artists - not just for selling music, but for different means…

A wonderful night at The Falcon
Just a followup on the Falcon gig on the 27th!
These guys just slammed it. Had an amazing time. We had a few technical difficulties, but it was a great first foray, and we're itching to do it again!
And speaking of slamming it…

A VERY special show.
Those of you who follow me know that I rarely, if ever, play my original material live. Well, that's about to change.
On January 27th, I'll be opening for the Blues/Soul master Slam Allen at The Falcon in Marlboro, NY, playing…

My yearly ode
My yearly ode.
Happiest and healthiest and most love-filled of New Year's to you and yours.

New Year’s Eve with the Dave Fields All-Stars!
I'll be sitting in with my buddy - and musical wizard - Dave Fields for a slamming New Year's Eve celebration at Ranchero Cantina in Emerson, NJ!
This is going to be a BLAST. If you're looking for an awesome New Year's - well... here you…

Once upon a time, there was an Awesome podcast. Farewell, with love.
Once upon a time, back in 2007... I had this album called New Eye.
And as indie musicians were want to do, I was searching for places where I might, possibly, maybe if I was lucky... get my music played... (and, if I was incredibly lucky,…

OOH! The tracks! 🙂
So as the time gets nearer, I thought I'd post a tracklist for the new albums. This is NOT necessarily the final order. 🙂
Born Wired
Where I play
In Love Again
You Used Ta
Just The Man
No Time

Born Wired cover
So here's my dilemma.
Jess pointed out that some folks might not know what my initial cover design said if they didn't know the album title.
So I put it to you... can you read the first B/W version, or should I go with one where all of…

Join me…
I've been playing and recording multiple instruments since I was 11 - and recording full songs since I was about 13.
Most of this activity occurred alone in a room. Fast forward a bunch of years, and the room is way better - but most…

Welcome to mark marshall .com v4!
Well hey there.
Welcome to V4. Yep - this is the 4th version of my site since it started way back in 1998 - pictured above.
(No, really. Here... you can go visit it in 2001. 🙂 )
It was long overdue for…

Happy New Year (again)
My yearly ode to you. <3

A bit of family history (video)
My father, aunts and uncle singing songs from way back... at a family gathering in Harwich Port, MA.

Mister Kick (video)
So I play with this awesome little band.... 🙂

Happy New Year
My Yearly ode.... 🙂

A dear friend…
Judy Martin was indeed a dear friend. Though our paths crossed with varying degrees of frequency, there was always love between us, and as is often the case with people who are close to you, we always picked up right where we…

A few snaps from NAMM
So for the first time, thanks to my friends at MJC Ironworks, I got to attend Winter NAMM. It was a blast and a half, and I got to meet some very special folks to boot. Here's a little pictrip through the adventure, which started with a cancelled…

Happy New Year.
My yearly ode to you, dear friends.
Happy New Year.

New Orleans kicked my ass
So here's part 2 of my Louisiana trip.
New Orleans kicked my ass... in the best way possible. And most of the ass kicking was done by women. 🙂
As some of you know who follow me on Facebook, or on this blog, I've had the good fortune…

Baton Rouge
(I just swung through both Baton Rouge and New Orleans on a 5-day trip. I was going to Baton Rouge for the PreSonus annual PresonuSphere user conference, and because I have former NY friends who live in New Orleans half the year, and because…

A neat little “something” unearthed.
So if you know and love "Something to Believe", this'll knock your socks off.
This was done a full year before the actual song was written - and it gives you an insight into how I often write. What you can hear is how much of a song…

What I’m working on now…
There's a great quote from Trent Reznor in the latest SPIN magazine:
"The way I work is that up to the last second stuff looks like shit, and at the last minute it comes together."
I'm not a huge NIN fan, but I have always been a fan of what…

The Other New Eye.
In 2007, I released an album called New Eye.
It was recorded at home over the course of three years... a labor of love, it contained 19 tracks of varied styles and lengths - all of which I wrote, arranged, played and engineered.

Art for art’s sake…
I've been quiet for quite a while.... except on Facebook. This wasn't by design - but out of necessity. Well, not necessity, but health. I had to find a center from which to operate. Artists and writers have a tendency…

Happy New Year
My annual ode to you, my online friends. Happiest, healthiest and most prosperous of New Year's to you, your family and YOUR circle of friends.
Thanks as always for being here.

An old new way of working…
I promised a more thorough update - well, here it is. For those of you who have watched me struggle with moving forward in the studio - you'll find a great deal of joy in it.
In my previous post about workflow, the studio, art etc., I talked…

Saying farewell to a friend…
So my brilliant buddy Dennis Winge is leaving the area - we've played together a bunch. He's an amazing guitarist - and an incredibly sweet man. Here's a little snippet of our last musical jaunt together.

Gee, Mark… you kind of disappeared.
Well, yes, I did in fact.
HI! I hope this finds you all well, happy and thriving, and you had a smashing holiday in whatever way you chose to celebrate.
I took a bit of time before posting this - much has happened, and I wanted to get…

Help the Hudson Valley
As you may be aware, Hurricane Irene cut a pretty good swath of devastation through the area in which I reside - the Hudson Valley of New York. While Irene is nothing but a memory for some, others are still dealing with the aftermath.

John Mayer NAILS it (and me)
When I first heard John Mayer - what struck me was how old and wise his guitar playing was.
Bastard. 🙂
I've not been a follower of his - nor do I own any of his stuff... but there's no doubt that he's incredibly talented, and has worked…

Nylon Scars
So my dear, dear friend Laura Kaye long ago mentioned Nikka Costa, and how much she loved her. (Nikka's got a voice wayyy beyond her years... an old-soul funktress.)
So when my FB friend Alisa B Anderson posted a link to an awesome new…

A beautiful milestone…
So I was writing lyrics about the am radio I listened to when I was 6...
And this came across my "desk"...
The first performed & recorded music in space...
And I wept. Dunno wy - just something beautiful about it.

Anatomy of an amazing gig.
So those of you who know anything about me know that I don't play out live very often. There are several reasons for this - not the least of which is, as an original artist, you have to either be a band, or else have a band that can play your…

Fitting into a box…
The opening lines of my bio sum up this blog post pretty well. How does an artist present themselves to the world when they don't fit into a predefined box?
I started using a service - - which allows you to selectively share…

Playing hard to get…
So I was heading down to a local restaurant for a mid-afternoon meetup with a newfound but dear friend.
As it was a beautiful, crisp fall day, I decided to walk it - not too far, and Lord knows I can use the exercise. So I grabbed my headphones…

Don Henley on the industry and downloading…
Back in 2009, I wrote a post called "Honor Art" , that began my online project - it talks about filesharing and its' effects on indie musicians, among other things.
Those of you who follow me with any regularity know that I give some of…

The cutest “review” I’ve ever gotten…
They were referring to this:

I quit smoking…
Update to the below: this post was written on 5/19/2010... today, in 2017 - I have been smoke-free for nearly 7 years.
Couldn't be happier. 🙂
On 5/19, I quit smoking.
This might sound…

Lost New Eye pics….
So I was going through some pics for the new site, and came upon these. You New Eye fans will recognize the scene...but there's a story behind it.
The story goes like this: Andrew Dark - a dear friend, who is a member of this site, and…

Elizabeth Gilbert from the TED conference.
Elizabeth Gilbert is an author who has recently become VERY VERY successful.
This is her talk at TED which is positively transformative, and talks specifrically about the self-imposed pressure of creativity.
If you create in ANY way, it may…

Just a Man Drum Session
So over the weekend, my dear friend Joe Scheibelhoffer and I did a live drum recording session. Joe played on "Lover, Please", and I tried my hand on "Just a Man".
Now bear in mind - I don't own a drum kit. And I never get the chance to play.…

An angel no longer with us…
It was somewhere around 1974.
I was 11 or 12 - it was Thanksgiving, and my Dad piled me and my sisters into his station wagon for the yearly trip to my uncle's house for thanksgiving. What lay in store for me would change my life immeasurably.

Les and Me…
Most of the world knows, or is finding out about the passing of Les Paul.
And most are finding out for the first time what us musicians have known for a very very long time... that Les Paul singlehandedly changed the face of music forever.…

Honor Art.
There's currently a web-protest going on about a law in New Zealand - the Guilt Upon Accusation law 'Section 92A' that calls for internet disconnection based on accusations of copyright infringement without a trial and without any evidence held…