So I’ve been trying to figure out how to go about this.

Since 2019, what little live playing I’ve done since COVID can be counted on one hand.

But what I HAVE been doing is recording – which is not just a songwriting process, but a production process that can literally take years.

Other than playing instruments when I was a kid, I guess recording has become my musical weapon of choice. I grew up with records, and recorded music signifies something lasting to me. There’s something fleeting about a gig, but a recording lasts forever.

Now I’m just NOT a “release a single every month” guy. Each song is like a little canvas I keep visiting, tweaking, filling in, until it feels like it stands. Then I tweak it a little bit more… and a little bit more… and at some point I resign that it’s as close as I’m able to make what I want to hear. It is 100% a labor of love.

And it seems to me that folks I’ve known have been into the process, or at least the evolution of my songs.

And I really enjoy listening to them in various stages.  I thought you might like to as well, and it’s a way to have an ongoing musical conversation of sorts with you.

So here’s what I’ve done. I’ve put together a random player of the stuff I’m working on RIGHT NOW, and put it here:

Some of them are fully-formed songs, and others are snippets or instrumentals or somewhere in-between.  What you’ll hear is where they are at the very moment – wherever that may be.

As I update songs, they’ll get updated in the player as well.

I will, eventually, release finished versions of these tracks. But in the meantime, I hope you enjoy hearing them grow up.