I wrote it about 30 years ago.  Having a penchant for all things post-apocalyptic, mid-apocalyptic or just plain future shock… I was just being playful.

Late in 2023, I revisited it… and I think the revisit turned out pretty nicely.

Seeing as this is a one-man shop that still makes albums… there are only so many hours in a day, and if I were to wait until I had videos done to release an album, I’d hardly get anything out. The videos come when they can… as did this one.

I’m particularly proud of this one.  The number of editing hours on it are huge… but worth it.  I was originally going to shoot a “Night of the Living Dead” homage to go with it, but thought better of it once I realized just how much time it’d take.  I then sought zombies from a site I use called Motion Array, and came across the brilliant 3D animation work of Alex -DesignProjects, as they’re known on Motion Array.  So it began.

Metaphor for the present day? You decide.

As always –If you like it, please show your support by buying the single – or the 62 album – at https://markmarshall.bandcamp.com

Premieres on YouTube and Facebook at 9:22pm on 2/12

You thought
ten years ago
life was really bad
didn’t see it coming
now you know
how good you had it
Don’t even think about
steppin’ out
you never know
what you might find outside
your front door
You can’t even run
’cause there’s no place
left to go
Nobody’s coming for you
Lock all the doors
and go on with
the things you do
’cause no one’s coming for you
Closed all the jails down
long ago
don’t you know
now the streets are full
of unmarked shadows
This is how it ends.
This is how it ends.
You can’t even run
’cause there’s no place
left to go
Nobody’s coming for you
Lock all the doors
and go on with
the things you do
’cause no one’s coming for you
Send the kids
to the basement to play
or tell them stories
about yesterday
Tell them all about the way
it used to be
and if they’re bored
they can always
watch the TV.
Lock all the doors
and go on with
the things you do
’cause no one’s coming for you
no one’s coming for you
for you.


A little free something for you – a 2025 mix to celebrate!

I was seven
when I picked it up and it made a sound
something up against my chest
to wrap my heart around

laying in my bedroom and
searching out the notes
to the music
sweet music
that was coming out of my radio

I could
hold it
pick it
strum it
stroke it
feel it
my guitar

I was thirteen
I was feeling kinda low
’til I saw that red electric in the window

six strings
and a pick
and I’m happy
any way the wind blows…

we can sing
we can cry
we can wail
we can fly
rockin through the sky
me and my guitar

This is my guitar
There are many like it
but this one here is mine
so fine

it sings like the sweetest bird
but it can wail like a tornado
my guitar

time for a little rock and roll

me and my guitar

A yearly tradition for the past 14 years… my musical note of gratitude to you all.






Original post:

Those of you who know me know that I’ve been recording for a REALLY long time.

Seems like forever… but in all that time, I never recorded a holiday song.

Well, a lovely ‘net DJ named Anne Alma, who has been very kind in spinning tracks from me on OpenStageRadio for a long time now, put out a call for tracks for his Christmas show.

And a little light bulb went off over my head.  I’d been playing a version of this with various cover bands for a long time, based on an arrangement I heard Robert Plant do with the Honeydrippers on SNL years and years ago.

SO… I went ahead and did it.  Doing the track took 5 hours from start to finish – doing the video took just a little bit longer.

If you like it, you can toss me a little tip and get a copy over at Bandcamp.




Kinda hard to believe… markmarshall.com was registered on September 8, 1999 – which means it’s just turned 25 years old.

My, how time doth fly. The shot above is how it looked the day it launched. (You can take a gander at it from 2001 over at archive.org.)

It has gone through 4 major renovations during its existence. Throughout its various incarnations, this place has served as a home… to share my music – and sometimes my thoughts.

It also serves as a reminder of where I’ve been… and it’s been wonderful having you along for the ride – for close to half of my life.

For those of you visiting for the first time – HI! I hope you find it welcoming.

You’ll see some changes here shortly, in the way of content. I don’t want to divulge too much, other than to say that friends and followers will find a bunch more stuff here.

To celebrate my site’s birthday, I’m offering 25% off any album in my Bandcamp store – and if you buy the whole discography, it ends up being half off.  Just use code mm25 at checkout.  This code will be valid through the end of September.

And here’s to the NEXT 25 years!

Thanks for visiting, and much, much love,