I wrote it about 30 years ago. Having a penchant for all things post-apocalyptic, mid-apocalyptic or just plain future shock… I was just being playful.
Late in 2023, I revisited it… and I think the revisit turned out pretty nicely.
Seeing as this is a one-man shop that still makes albums… there are only so many hours in a day, and if I were to wait until I had videos done to release an album, I’d hardly get anything out. The videos come when they can… as did this one.
I’m particularly proud of this one. The number of editing hours on it are huge… but worth it. I was originally going to shoot a “Night of the Living Dead” homage to go with it, but thought better of it once I realized just how much time it’d take. I then sought zombies from a site I use called Motion Array, and came across the brilliant 3D animation work of Alex -DesignProjects, as they’re known on Motion Array. So it began.
Metaphor for the present day? You decide.
As always –If you like it, please show your support by buying the single – or the 62 album – at https://markmarshall.bandcamp.com
Premieres on YouTube and Facebook at 9:22pm on 2/12